First results of farmyard manure on hilly grassland
hilly grassland, farmyard manure, frequency of use, manure loadAbstract
Our examinations were carried out within the framework of the project of Szent István University TECH_08-A4/2-2008-0140 entitled ’Climate damage decrease in agriculture’ in Kisfüzes between 2009 and 2012.
Spreading farmyard manure on grassland is not a new idea although few references have been made to it in professional literature.
According to Forgó et al, (2009) there have been great changes in grassland management and use in the past few years, which have significantly changed the conditions of farming and management. In our country the number of grasslands, where different directives ordered grassland management for conservation purposes or where this type of management has been chosen by the owners themselves in exchange for subsidies, has been increasing. Regardless of the form of management carried out if ’grass is cut and cleared from the area’ (Dorner, 1928) soil has to be supplied with a kind of nutrient. Artificial fertilizers are prohibited in all forms of conservation and ecological grass management so that is why the topic of spreading farmyard manure on grassland is timely.
On the basis of the results of the experiment gained so far we can conclude that farmyard manure can increase yield by the amount of 0.5-2.5 t/ha dry material depending on the year of production. Spreading farmyard manure has a favourable impact on the extent of coverage by crops and also the proportion of grama grasses and legumes as of unmanured plots in the case of any variation for use regarding foraging. The diversity of natural habitats that must be kept for nature conservation considerations has minimally been decreasing within the average of three years as a result of manuring. The greatest benefit of manuring and nutrient supply could mostly be felt in the case of drought (2012). Yield was significantly higher and the number of species was greater when using it three or four times compared to unmanured plots.
To sum it up, with regards to the examined factors (dry material yield, coverage %, diversity) the best results of our experiment were obtained on the given hilly grassland in the case of spreading farmyard manure of 1.4 animals three times a year.
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