Investigation of the vegetation of cattle pastures in the sandy grasslands of the Ipoly Valley
Charolais, Gray Hungarian cattle, Festuca ssp., sandy vegetationAbstract
The vegetation of two different cattle pastures in the Ipoly Valley was examined in this research. One of them was beef cattle (Charolais) pasture while the other area was a Hungarian Grey cattle pasture. Two vegetation types were analyzed on both areas. The Charolais pasture was mowed before 2000. Here one sour sandy vegetation with fresh and dry patches and Elymus repens dominated area a lower-lying., , , were examined. There were also two types of vegetation analyzed on the Hungarian Grey cattle pasture. One of them was a drier steppe under less pressure grazing, and the other one was a heavily used, degraded steppe which has been used serving as a resting place. There was a significant amount of species adapted to disturbance in each plot, but their proportions were different. The lowest rate was observed in the quadrats of pastures of the Hungarian Grey cattle under smaller grazing pressure. There was also the highest quantity of near-natural species, and protected plant was also found in these sample quadrats. Relative water and nitrogen indicator plants appeared in the Elymus repens dominated area of the former meadow which refers to higher disturbance. The different intensity of grazing pressure made clearly detectable the evaluation of the distribution of species according to Pignatti life form. Due to grazing, the number of species with rosette was significant in each plot. Additionally, the amount of crawling stems was outstandingly high but the highest was at the resting place exposed to strong grazing pressures. On the basis of the recordings, on the Charolais pasture the sour sandy lawn was more sensitive, where the grazing pressure should be monitored in order to preserve the characteristics of the vegetation. On the fresh area of Charolais pasture grazing after mowing favored the appearance of species characteristic of natural vegetation. Among the examined areas, the Hungarian Grey cattle pasture under grazing pressure was found as be the most favorable in maintaining the natural vegetation, Supported by the ÚNKP-22-3-I-MATE/2 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation from the source of the National Research, Development and OTKA K-125423.
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