Hungarian alpaca breeders
alpaca, breeder, HungaryAbstract
New World Camelids (guanaco, vicuna, llama, alpaca) origin in South-America. Then native Americans keep the alpacas because of it’s meat, skin and fine wool. The alpaca fleece is internationally recognized as the one of the most luxurious wool in the world. It’s warm, soft, lightweight, strong, durable and easy to colour it. Nowadays you can find them round the World, example Africa, Asia, Europe. In Hungary more and more people start to breed alpacas. The first breeder started the farm in 2008. They live in Jobaháza and they keep the huacaya type of the alpacas. The other breeder can find near Békéscsaba. They have the other type of the alpaca, the suri. They started the farm in 2010. There are some other breeders in Hungary, example in Mezőtúr, Balassagyarmat and Balatonszentgyörgy.
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Internet I. 2013.03.25.
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