Domestic, online measurement and results of morphological awareness among students in grades 2–4
morphological awareness , online measurement tool, test development, readingAbstract
The research results of recent decades increasingly conceptualize reading and comprehension skills as a complex, hierarchical system. Our study focuses on a crucial subskill that remains underexplored in the Hungarian context and language: morphological awareness, a significant factor in the development of reading comprehension. The primary aim of this research was to develop an online assessment tool to measure morphological awareness among students in grades 2–4. During the large-scale study (N=4134), we sought to uncover potential connections between morphological awareness and reading comprehension. The five-subtest assessment tool also included a reading comprehension test. The main findings of our research can be summarized in three points: 1) We developed an online tool that reliably measures morphological awareness for students in grades 2–4., 2) We established and analyzed the relationship between morphological awareness and reading comprehension skills. 3) We demonstrated and examined the development of this subskill across grades 2–4. Our research is novel because it explores the characteristics of a subskill that has been empirically understudied in Hungary, utilizing innovative methods and an online assessment tool. The results provide guidance for future research and practical applications in classroom teaching. This study particularly emphasizes the linguistic characteristics of the Hungarian language.
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