Association between some conformation traits and productive life time in holstein breed


  • Szilvia Szögi
  • Árpád Bokor
  • Julianna Bokor
  • Beatrix Leonhardt
  • Gábor Bakos
  • Balázs Horváth
  • István Holló
  • Miklós Szabari


longevity, type traits, parturition, Holstein-Friesian


Longevity has important economic value and primary goal in the dairy cattle breeding. The objective of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the number of parturition and the type traits. The Hungarian dairy-breeding evaluation system is the Holstein Global Index (HGI) as a selection index. The conformation takes part with 35% in the HGI (23% udder, 12% feet and legs). In this study we have found significant (P≤0,01%) correlation between the number of parturition and some type traits like body depth, rump angle, rear leg side view, foot angle, fore udder attachment, rear udder height, central ligament, udder depth, front teat placement, general characteristics, body capacity, mammary system, feet and legs and final score. Cows with low classification scores had significantly more parturition than other coeval stable-companion with higher scores.



How to Cite

Association between some conformation traits and productive life time in holstein breed. (2011). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 15(1), 37-43.

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