Inbreeding of Hungarian Holstein Friesian population


  • Szilárd Márkus
  • János Posta
  • László Bognár
  • István Komlósi


Holstein Friesian population, inbreeding


In this paper the inbreeding of the Hungarian Holstein Friesian population was analysed between the birth years of 1997 and 2003. The total number of animals was 4 664 874 in the pedigree. There were 1 015 936 inbred animals in the population. The highest inbreeding coefficient (F) was 37.5 %. The 95.4 percent of inbred animals had less then 5% inbreeding coefficient. The inbreeding coefficient increased with 0.1% annually during the observed time period. We analysed the relationship between the inbreeding coefficient and the days open, the lactation length and the 305d milk yield. The parity, the herd and the birth year were fixed factors in the model, the inbreeding coefficient was covariate. Lactation yield decreased by 10.4 kg, days open and the lactation length increased by 0.8 and 0.6 days respectively by 1% increase of the F.



How to Cite

Márkus, S., Posta, J., Bognár, L., & Komlósi, I. (2010). Inbreeding of Hungarian Holstein Friesian population. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 14(3), 345-349.