Analysis on the basis of genetic parameters on-farm test


  • Beáta Serbán
  • László Csató
  • János Farkas


individual performance, genetic parameters


The operational individual performance test for pigs used in Hungary (the ÃœSTV) dates back more than a quarter of a century. The authors performed calculations for the purpose of establishing whether it is possible to draw conclusions on the accuracy and reliability of the ÃœSTV on the basis of analysis of the most characteristic genetic parameters for pig populations. Upon comparison of the estimated values for these components both with data given in the literature and with the each other the author reached the final conclusion that the characteristic genetic parameters for pig populations are not directly appropriate for the indication of the reliability of the ÃœSTV. The recommendation derived from the above points by the authors is that the operational individual performance test for pigs should, rather than taking account of daily weight gain as a fattening trait , include the number of days of life up to the conclusion of the examination, in the capacity of a trait serving as a measure of value; this parameter should then feature in the ÃœSTV index calculated by means of the BLUP method. In the opinion of the authors, even if there is no possibility for operational differences to be rendered uniform, greater objectivity can at Ieast be introduced into the measuring procedure, thus creating the opportunity for confidence in the operational individual performance test to be regained among pig breeders.



How to Cite

Analysis on the basis of genetic parameters on-farm test. (2000). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 4(1), 9-22.

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