The results of selection of Pannon White rabbits between 1988 and 1996


  • Zsolt Szendrő Pannon University of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science, Department of Small Animal Breeding Science
  • Edit Bíróné Németh Pannon University of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science, Department of Small Animal Breeding Science
  • Imre Radnai Pannon University of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science, Department of Small Animal Breeding Science


rabbit, Pannon White, selection, daily weight gain, genetic improvement


The results of the rabbit stock show that selection on daily weight gain was effective; it increased by 1.3-1.4 grammes per year. At the same time the weight of rabbits at 10 weeks of age and at adult age, litter size and litter weight at 21 days of age also increased. (The 10 week-old rabbits' weight was 2.13 and 2.31 kg, the litter size 8.04 and 8.55, the litter weight at 21 days of age 2.38 and 2.56 kg, the individual weight of 3- week old rabbits 335 and 370 g in 1992 and 1996, respectively.) Selection for dressing percentage using the CT data was also effective. The authors suggest a restricted feeding system (daily 130-150 g pellets) for the female rabbits before the first insemination and for the empty does after weaning.



How to Cite

The results of selection of Pannon White rabbits between 1988 and 1996. (1997). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 1(1), 37-43.

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