Genetic parameters of production traits in Pannon White rabbit


  • István Nagy
  • Szilvia Metzger
  • Zoltán Princz
  • István Radnai
  • Edit Bíróné Németh
  • Zsolt Szendrő


genetic parameters, production traits, rabbits


Genetic parameters for body weight at 5 (BW5) and 10 (BW10) weeks of age and average daily gain (ADG) from 5 to 10 weeks of age were estimated using univariate and bivariate animal models in Pannon White rabbits from 2001−2005. Of the influencing factors, age (BW5, BW10), sex (BW5, BW10, ADG) and year season (BW5, BW10, ADG) affected the examined traits. Heritabilities of BW5, BW10 and ADG were 0.21 (0.01), 0.26 (0.01) and 0.27 (0.01), respectively. Common litter effect of BW5, BW10 and ADG were 0.47 (0.01), 0.29 (0.01) and 0.20 (0.01), respectively. Genetic correlation between the body weight measured at different ages was 0.54 (0.05). Genetic correlation between ADG and BW5 and ADG and BW10 were -0.19 (0.06) and 0.76 (0.03), respectively.




Folyóirat szám


Section 5 Rabbit Breeding and Bee-Keeping

Hogyan kell idézni

Nagy, I., Metzger, S., Princz, Z., Radnai, I., Bíróné Németh, E., & Szendrő, Z. (2006). Genetic parameters of production traits in Pannon White rabbit. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 10(2), 239-243.

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