Comparative study of the meat quality of common carp strains harvested from different fish ponds


  • Dániel Varga
  • András Szabó
  • Róbert Romvári
  • Csaba Hancz


carp, meat quality


This study analyzed, whether there exist detectable differences among carp meat quality traits of fish harvested from different fish ponds at the age of 3 years. The slaughter and meat quality traits of altogether 40 carps was determined. It was stated that sex has a detectable effect on pH 24 and that body weight significantly affects flesh dry matter content. It was experienced that the water holding capacity of carp flesh is relatively low, and is expressedly sensitive towards induced effects like freezing and cooking.




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Hogyan kell idézni

Varga, D., Szabó, A., Romvári, R., & Hancz, C. (2010). Comparative study of the meat quality of common carp strains harvested from different fish ponds. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 14(2), 301-306.

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