Financial problems in the Hungarian broiler sector


  • Andrea Keszi
  • Attila Csorbái
  • Péter Jankovics
  • Katalin Tóth
  • István Marton


financial problems, Hungarian broiler sector


On the eve of the accession to the European Union, the broiler sector is not in an easy situation in Hungary as regards competitiveness. Though the conditions of the sector meet the requirements the capital shortage intensifying year by year hinders the development of the entire sector. The buildings and machines are obsolete, most of them would need to be replaced or upgraded, the sector is at a serious disadvantage compared the EU countries also in the field of the specific utilisation of fodder, not to mention the backlogs in respect of the other factors affecting profitability. Under these circumstances the chance that the Hungarian broiler sector can preserve its competitiveness is narrowing.




Hogyan kell idézni

Keszi, A., Csorbái, A., Jankovics, P., Tóth, K., & Marton, I. (2002). Financial problems in the Hungarian broiler sector. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(2), 219-224.