Student competition - Minda the gap
student competition, urban gap, EFLAAbstract
In November 2011 the EFLA (European Federation for Landscape Architecture) Regional Congress for Landscape Architecture was held in Tallinn, organized by the Estonian Landscape Architects’ Union (ELAU). As an antecedent of the congress an international competition for landscape architect students had been proclaimed called “Mind The Gap - Gaps in Urban Life” - according to the title of the congress: “Mind The Gap - Landscapes For A New Era”. The task was to give a definition for the phrase “gap”, and analyze related problems and conflicts in the life of the city. An example was also needed to work out a case study on the topic. As a conclusion a trouble- shooting solution had to be presented as well. Announcers highlighted they did not want to set boundaries to our imag- ination. The proposal could be a Virtual project elaborated fór the competition on an already existing conflict reflecting to urban gaps. The range of project elements was huge: it could be a garden, public area, urban design and Street art compo- nents or any installation related to the theme. The proposal had to be presented on A1 sized posters with the template of the congress, given by the organizers.
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