The future of public parks in Europe; The role of landscape architecture in design and research
3. Conservation and developmement of public parks
landscape architecture, public parks, EuropeAbstract
This article is based on a presentation at a conference on urban parks organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Landscape Architecture of Corvinus University in 2013. It is part of a series of three articles (see 1. and 2. articles in 4D No. 33 and 34.) that gives a broad overview of the design of urban public parks in a European context. This article focuses on conservation and development of urban parks. Three case studies of conservation and development are analyzed in the first part; the historic park of Stowe in the UK, the Afrikaanderplein in Rotterdam and the axis of the Louvre and Champs Élysées in Paris. In the three cases, a different approach to the historical situation has been developed that gives an idea of the scope and range of thinking in planning and design. In the second part the design means are analyzed to show how the concept of structure can enable new types of use while at the same time its historical character still remains. In the last part the focus is on the relation with research; structure and change, the concept of flexibility based on structure, the role of typology and design experiment in historic situations and problems. One of the conclusions is that structure is a key concept in conservation and can be a basis for contemporary functions and use, instead of focus on the historical image. Applying these principles to the Városliget park at Budapest the idea could be to insert a new function in the park in the form of water conservation and add new uses to that. The design approach should focus not only this new function but also the park as an icon of the city both for local people and tourists.
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