Where Quetzalcoatl appears

evaluation of winter-hardy leaf succulent collection in hungary


  • Krisztina Szabó Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning – Budapest Department of Garden and Open Space Design
  • Andrea Keresztes-Sipos Óbuda-Békásmegyer Urban Development Ltd.
  • Hajnalka Baji Győr-Szol Ltd.
  • Ádám Farkas ExonMobil Business Support Center Hungary Ltd




Quetzalcoatl, winter-hardy leaf succulent


The main roles of botanical gardens have not changed since the 17th century. They are still the most important location of the adapting non-endemic species. In the era of plant hunters it was possible to adapt the newly discovered genera and its species in such gardens. Nowadays one of the most important tasks is to research the mainstream cultivars and varieties. 

Author Biographies

  • Krisztina Szabó, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning – Budapest Department of Garden and Open Space Design

    horticultural engineer
    assistant professor

    E-mail: szabo.krisztina@tajk.szie.hu

  • Andrea Keresztes-Sipos , Óbuda-Békásmegyer Urban Development Ltd.

    landscape architect MSc
    technical project manager

    E-mail: keresztessiposandrea@gmail.com

  • Hajnalka Baji , Győr-Szol Ltd.

    landscape designer MA
    urban management administrator

    E-mail: baji.hajnalka@gmail.com

  • Ádám Farkas, ExonMobil Business Support Center Hungary Ltd

    horticultural engineer

    E-mail: farkas.adam89@yahoo.com


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Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec mythology –,the Mesoamerican deity. third son of the first god family. The Aztec god of wind and learning, crafts and knowledge – The flowering bed was shaped based on the form of this god, a feathered serpent

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How to Cite

Where Quetzalcoatl appears: evaluation of winter-hardy leaf succulent collection in hungary. (2016). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 42, 51-63. https://doi.org/10.36249/4d.42.6046

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