An insight into the Hungarian landscape architecture education between two IFLA Conferences: 1984-2024
education, landscape architecture educationAbstract
The development in landscape architecture education in Hungary over the past forty years, and especially in the period following the 1989 change of the political regime, has drawn heavily on the series of curricular reforms in university education in the 1960s and 1970s. This period also saw a boom in landscape architecture education internationally. In Europe, the number of landscape architecture courses and programmes increased significantly, and 36 new courses were added to the 44 programmes already offered.
The roots of the education of garden design and construction in Hungary date back to the turn of the 20th century, and Imre Ormos started the independent fourand-a-half-year garden design programme in 1963, while in the field of landscape planning the definition of landscape by Mihály Mőcsényi from 1968 was a milestone, which can also be regarded as the introduction of landscape architecture as a discipline in Hungary, making the ‘formal’ establishment of landscape architecture education possible.
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220728_List_of_Schools_and_Programmes_Recognised_by_IFLA_Europe_status_JULY_2022.pdf (
Text of the European Landscape Convention/Hungarian, 2000
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