One of the Largest Urban Parks in Europe: The Phoenix Park, Dublin


  • Gergely Lád Mitchell + Associates



urban park, Dublin, Phoenix Park


The article presents the history and significance of Phoenix Park in Dublin, known as one of the largest urban parks in Europe, spanning 709 hectares. Originally established as a deer park in the 17th century, the park was opened to the public in the mid-18th century. The article provides a detailed account of the park's historical development, spatial structure, and the various functions that make the area unique. Phoenix Park plays a significant role not only in recreation but also in the public and social life of the city, hosting various events, sports activities, and mass gatherings. The diverse use and maintenance of Phoenix Park can serve as an example for the design and development of parks in Hungary, particularly in the context of regional parks.

Author Biography

  • Gergely Lád, Mitchell + Associates

    landscape architect


A zöldhálózat tervezés metodikai fejlesztése Budapest peremterületének példáján - doktori disszertáció, BCE, ólmosi Balázs 2007.

Phoenix Park - Visitors guide, The Office o f Public Works

Ashtown Castle - Visitors guide, The Office o f Public Works

Phoenix park, a history and guidebook, Brendan Nolan, 2006

The Phoenix park Dublin 29th Sept. 1979. The postoral visít o f Popé John Paul II.

Racing in the park, Bob M ontgomery, 2003

Phoenix Park traffic study, Faber Maunsell, 2006

Dublin City Development Plán, 1999 v a lam in t 2005-2011

Map of the Phoenix park, OrdnanceSurvey Ireland, 1983

Irish Peatland Conservation Council (






How to Cite

One of the Largest Urban Parks in Europe: The Phoenix Park, Dublin. (2008). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 10, 44-53.

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