Creative strategies and street art in the process of urban renewal

Modelling the social cohesion role of urban open spaces


  • Dominika Tihanyi Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem Építész szak



public art, urban rehabilitation, Palotanegyed, orthophoto, courtyard program, micro projects


The American Society of Landscape Architects has awarded 49 projects this year. Receiving Honor Award in communication category - as the only Hungarian Project - is the Interactive Mapping Project, the work of Gábor Lendvai and Dominika Tihanyi, landscape architects of Újirány Group. This occasion gives the opportunity to present the project in detail. It alsó gives a chance to deal with the broader urban context of the project, dealing with the theme of changes taking place in the field of public art and urban rehabilitation methodoligies. The parallel drawn between the evolvement of the two fields leads to the presentation of a method that interweaves pubilc art projects intő the process of rehabilitation, which is now being realized in the case of the rehabilitation process of Palotanegyed.

Author Biography

  • Dominika Tihanyi, Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem Építész szak

    landscape architect, DLA student


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How to Cite

Creative strategies and street art in the process of urban renewal: Modelling the social cohesion role of urban open spaces. (2009). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 15, 54-63.

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