Tata - Kossuth square open space design


  • Gábor Böhm


Tata, Kossuth square, open space design, church square


Tata lies in Komárom-Esztergom county 9 km away from the chief town, Tatabánya. The city plays an important economic, social and cultural role in the life of Tata sub-region, and is also a popular destination for tourism. Kossuth square is on the southern centre of
the historically dual-cored (Tata and Tóváros) city. The city square, home to the church and market followed the organic development and served for the public life of the city for centuries. Currently, most of the square’s area – uncommonly for main town squares – is used as a public park. In this present form it is no longer able to comply with the needs its position and historical past would demand. The place is not the centre of social and cultural life anymore, and it has lost most of the typical roles of a main square. In spite of its location, historic and artistic values including its classical buildings it stands idle and neglected in the heart of the old town. The redefinition of its functions and a new design for the square has been on the agenda for decades. The Municipality of Tata has announced calls for tender several times but the actual implementation has repeatedly been delayed.

Author Biography

  • Gábor Böhm

    landscape architect
    E-mail: bohmgabor@t-online.hu


A nyár folyamán a Víz, Zene, Virág fesztivál, a Tatai sokadalom és a Barokk fesztivál, míg ősszel az Öreg-tavi nagy halászat és a nemzetközi hírű Tatai vadlúd sokadalom vonzza a látogatókat.

dr. Rados Jenő: Tata, Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1964. p.48.

Magyarország Műemlékjegyzéke, Komárom-Esztergom megye. Szerk: Bardoly István – Haris Andrea, Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Hivatal, Budapest, 2006.

A parkolási igényeket a templom mögötti területen kialakított 52 férőhelyes parkoló elégíti ki.






How to Cite

Tata - Kossuth square open space design. (2012). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 25, 60-71. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/4D/article/view/5731

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