The Image of our settlements - Beyonde the spectacle




settlement image, landscape architecture, settlement history


The act on the Protection of Settlement Image came out in June 2016, with the requirement that councils have to prepare their  decree on settlement image within a short time.1 The Settlement Image Manual (Településképi Arculati Kézikönyv) should be
prepared as a background material for this decree. The government also edited a guide, based on previously compiled sample manuals. This study presents the instructions, the elements taken into consideration and their rating that appear in the Guide and in the sample manuals and it analyses the material in a home and international context. The evaluation of the already prepared
manuals is not subject to this study.

Author Biography

  • Simon Mariann, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Urban Planning

    architect, Professor Head of Department


Act No 2016. LXXIV. (2016. VI. 23.) on the protection of settlement image. It was changed by the Act No 2017. CIV. (2017. VI. 23.) on the change of the Act No 2016. LXXIV. (2016. VI. 23.) The second act slightly extended the deadlines.

Act No 2016. LXXIV. 1. §

Act No 2016. LXXIV. 2. § (1)

The No 400/2016. Implementing Regulation is a modification of the 314/2012. Implementing Regulation. The definitions are in the 2 paragraph of the former.

/1967. (I. 31.) ÉM rendelet a műemlékvédelemről [Regulation of Monument Preservation launched by the Ministry of Building Affairs]

/2012. (XI. 8.) Kormányrendelet 11. § (1)

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How to Cite

The Image of our settlements - Beyonde the spectacle. (2017). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 45, 50-66.

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