The role of areas exposed to excess water near Rába and Sebes-Körös rivers in the protected areas' system


  • Dalma Varga Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation
  • Nóra Hubayné Horváth Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation
  • Ildikó Módosné Bugyi Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation



Rába river, Sebes-Körös river, Excess water


Excess water inundation endangers a significant proportion of Hungary’s flatlands. As a result of the complex excess water risk mapping1 completed in 2015, this statement shows the extent of flooding occurs with a probability of more than 1%. The proportion of more frequent excess water inundation (in this particular case the chance of flooding occurs with a probability of more than 10%) in the Great Plain is about 24.42% (General Directorate of Water Manage ment – data supplying, 2020). Besides river regulations, numerous factors have contributed to the formation of excess water,2 especially anthropogenic interventions, such as the increasing proportion of constructions, paved areas, the intensive agricultural activity, but natural conditions also play an important role. Several studies have been made and are in progress to reveal the economic consequences of excess water, while its ecological potential is relatively slightly explored, although these periodically flooded areas contribute to biodiversity increasing and to create a diversification among species. These areas function as habitats primarily as feeding grounds for animals (for example birds, dragonflies), which prefer wetlands. Research works have confirmed the presence of numerous rare and endangered plant species in drainage canals, on grasslands exposed to excess water and on special agricultural fields with mud vegetation (Molnár– Lukács 2014). Nowadays, in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, the role of wetlands and water retention become appreciated, more and more international and national strategies and programs give priority to the role of water (for example the so-called European Green Deal 2019). Therefore, areas exposed to excess water are ecologically more valuable than areas with similar characteristics but not exposed to excess water. These areas create a specific, coherent, periodic network of blue and green infrastructure. The quantified indicators of their natural and landscape values besides the presence of protected species and the naturalness of habitats, the various nature protections – the aim of our article is to reveal this.

Author Biographies

  • Dalma Varga, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation

    PhD student

  • Nóra Hubayné Horváth, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation

    associate professor

  • Ildikó Módosné Bugyi, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation



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How to Cite

The role of areas exposed to excess water near Rába and Sebes-Körös rivers in the protected areas’ system . (2020). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 57, 58-69.

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