Az online zeneoktatás és a zenetanári attitűd szülői megítélése




music education, effectiveness, music teacher attitudes


Many studies have been published on education during the pandemic and its impact as all aspects of education have been transferred to the digital space. Not only teaching and learning methods but also teachers' attitudes have had to change. We conducted an online survey of parents to find out their perceptions of changes in the effectiveness of music teaching before and during the pandemic, and to find out to what extent the two attitudes of music teachers identified in our study (1. flexible- permissive, 2. tarditional) influence the parents' perception of the effectiveness of music teaching and their children's motivation.

Author Biographies

  • Gabriella Józsa, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Pedagógiai Kar, Gyakorlati és Továbbképzési Intézet

  • Judit Váradi, Debreceni Egyetem Zeneművészeti Kar


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How to Cite

Az online zeneoktatás és a zenetanári attitűd szülői megítélése. (2024). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 22(1), 77-85.