The relationship between changes in the agricultural landscape and direct support between 2009 and 2023 in Békés county


  • Attila Rákóczi Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institue of Rural Development and Susta-inable Economy, Department of Rural and Regional Development, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1.; e-mail:



common agricultural policy, direct supports, diversification, greening, climate protection, nature conservation history


The support system of the Common Agricultural Policy is crucial for farmers. The conditions for direct payments, especially in the last two budget periods, include increasing requirements for environmental protection, nature and landscape conservation. I carried out my research in Békés County from 2009 to the present, i.e. 14 agricultural years, mainly by data processing. I requested data on the individual applications from the Békés County Office and the Hungarian State Treasury (as the agricultural payment agency). I found that the greening regulations had a significant impact on the diversification of crops and landscape elements in the years of their introduction. Over time, however, there has been some regression, and a similar cropping pattern to that which existed before the regulations has begun to emerge. This is also true for the individual landscape elements identified in the applications. However, it has also been shown that reversion has not occurred because the regulations have not been respected. All in all, the first year of the latest funding cycle, starting in 2023, shows positive changes from a landscape conservation point of view.


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Hivatkozott jogszabályok és rendeletek

A 10/2015. (III. 13.) FM rendelet az éghajlat és környezet szempontjából előnyös mezőgazdasági gya-korlatokra nyújtandó támogatás igénybevételének szabályairól, valamint a szántóterület, az állandó gyepterület és az állandó kultúrával fedett földterület növénytermesztésre vagy legeltetés-re alkalmas állapotban tartásának feltételeiről

A 14/2023. (IV. 19.) AM rendelet az Európai Mezőgazdasági Garanciaalapból, valamint az Európai Mezőgazdasági Vidékfejlesztési Alapból nyújtott támogatások igénybevétele során alkalmazandó feltételekről






How to Cite

Rákóczi, A. (2024). The relationship between changes in the agricultural landscape and direct support between 2009 and 2023 in Békés county. JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 22(1), 85-100.

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