About the aspects of water management in nature and landscape conservation


  • Emőke Bardóczyné Székely Szent István University, Institute of Environmental Management Department of Landscape Ecology,H–2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.




landscape ecological problems, ecologycal water supply, inundation by flood, lowering the botoom sill of natural flood-diversion channel, conservation, landscape rehabilitation


The aim of the article is to show new tasks that are connected with water management and based on the protection of the environment. Some problems of water management which are already solved are linked to the ideas of ecological conservation. For example, prevention is attached to the fight againts eutrofication in the case of a freshwater lake. Cooperation of many sections is required, to solve the problems of ecological conservation, as we can see in the case of the meadow of Csákvár in the Central Transdanubian.
One of the most important questions of land rehabilitation is how to handle the different amount of water required by the different mosaic living places. Land reconstruction often means to revitalise a dry lake, which is very difficult and is sometives infeasible. The creation of land is succesful if the cooperation of the living places is ensured. In this case, many sperational problems are to be solved by the methods of water management (Hortobágy National Park, living place: Karácsony flood diversion channel).
In this essay, theoretical bases and practical problems are connected to show the method of thirtling which is required to solve the problems from theoretical and practical aspects as well.

Author Biography

  • Emőke Bardóczyné Székely, Szent István University, Institute of Environmental Management Department of Landscape Ecology,H–2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.



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Tanulmányok, eredeti közlemények

How to Cite

About the aspects of water management in nature and landscape conservation. (2003). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 1(1), 63-69. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.4614

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