Possibilities for the evaluation of microstructures in agricultural landscape patterns
landscape functions, landscape structures, biotope networks, hedgerows, landscape evaluationAbstract
A holistic view of the landscape requires the evaluation of landscape functions and patterns in a joint system. Agricultural landscapes have to fulfill both production and conservation functions and their ability for the latter one heavily depends on their pattern.
During analyses of landscape patterns and during planning of land rehabilitation measures more attention has to be devoted to microstructures since they ensure connectivity and links among major ecological patches. The new research direction of landscape metrics attempts to describe connectivity through geoetric indices. The application of Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing techniques allows the combination of research methods of landscape functions and landscape patterns.
Hedgerows of various kind are remarkable microstructures in the Central European cultural landscape. Their evaluation is equally feasible through system-based indicator species and inventory methods. One of the techniques, elaborated for the territory of the German province Schleswig-Holstein primarily includes parameters of form (dimension, conditions, continuity) and ecological functions (border, connectivity, protection against wind). In the second step, qualitative assessment, biological features (composition of species) are more emphasised.
Adapting the German method and supplementing it with hedgerow pattern analysis, author developed a scoring technique for the piedmont of Villány Hills, Southern Transdanubia, Hungary, primarily suitable for assessing hedgerows in and around cultivated or abandoned vineyards and orchards.
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