The effects of surface cover on phosphorous distribution over the slope


  • Csaba Centeri Szent István University, Faculty of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Environment and Landscape Management, Dept. of Nature Conservation, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.
  • Alexandra Császár Szent István University, Faculty of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Environment and Landscape Management, Dept. of Nature Conservation 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.



erosion, fertilizer use, phosphorus, soil protection


Soil is one of the most important component of the landscape and thus its protection has high priority not only in environmental but in landscape and nature protection as well. Eroded soil material carries humus and important fertilizers from our arable lands. 9 kg*ha-1*y-1 N, 5,5 kg*ha-1*y-1 P and 6,6 kg*ha-1*y-1 K can be lost due to erosion and can induce problems in the soils and waters of remote areas.
Our target areas were at Somogybabod, Kisbabod, Alsószuha and Galgahévíz. We examined the distribution of P2O5 and soil organic matter under different plant covers (arable land – corn, potato, cereals, vegetated fallow, alfalfa, Acacia forest and orchards), under different slope sections. Laboratory experiments were done according to the regulations at the Szent István University, Dept. of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry. It is obvious, according to the results that corn and potato can not provide necessary protection against phosphorous loss. The other plant covers have better results. Based on the results it is possible to prepare a guidebook for farmers to help them calculating the necessary amount and placing of P2O5 fertilizer and to chose the plant that provide the necessary cover to protect soils form phosphorous loss. Fertilizing with only the necessary amount of P2O5 fertilizer, it is possible to reduce the pollution of surface and subsurface waters and the inputs of arable farming. With the improvement of life quality and conditions, the viability of the landscape can be increased and thus more attractive for those, searching for a place for living.

Author Biography

  • Csaba Centeri, Szent István University, Faculty of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Environment and Landscape Management, Dept. of Nature Conservation, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

The effects of surface cover on phosphorous distribution over the slope . (2005). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 3(1), 119-131.

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