Effect of fertilizer nitrogen on turf and sportsgrass
sportsgrass, effect of fertilizer nitrogen, plant covarage, enployment tolerance, quality regenerationAbstract
The study elaborates the nutrients-supply problems of the ’FTC’ football pitch and presents the results and methods of the comparative study for the conventional and the Scotts’ controlled release fertilizers. The main objective of the experiment is the investigation of the release period for fertilizers taking into account the colour and density of the grass, the plant coverage and the composition of species.
Nutrients applied:controlled release fertilisers: Sierrablen 8-9, Sierrablen 5–6, Sportmaster 2–3 and
conventional fertilisers: Ammonium nitrate
The results of the study lead to the following conclusions:
The changes of the green colour of the grass and the longevity of the colour i.e. its aesthetic value is determined by the release period of the fertiliser.
The density and the quality of the grass among the species constituting the grass is mainly influenced by the lasting period of Nitrogen.
The plant coverage increases at the pace of the nutrients-supply, the diversity of species depends on the effects of the components.
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Copyright (c) 2007 György Attila, Kulin Balázs, Zsigó Gábor, Szemán László
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