Relict forests on the edge of the Hungarian Little Plain


  • Norbert Riezing 2851 Környe, Alkotmány u. 43/7.



Hungarian Little Plain, forest steppe, land-use history, lowland oak forests


The aim was to study the vegetation and the land-use history of the lowland natural forests on the edge of the Hungarian Little Plain.
The research has shown that few forests seem to be natural, but were planted in fact. For example, old castle parks which were planted with native species a hundred years ago, seem to be the last relicts of the lowland forests today. Many species of the undergrowth can appear in these isolated areas in a half century as a consequence of human activity, antropochor seed spreading and favorable site conditions.
However, some of the real relict forests are degraded and have become characterless. Fortunately, many of them are in good condition. The following associations were found: Populo canescenti-Quercetum roboris, Iridi variegatae-Quercetum roboris, Polygonato latifolio-Quercetum roboris (on sandy soil), Aceri tatarico-Quercetum roboris, Pulmonario mollis-Quercetum roboris, Corydalido cavae-Carpinetum (on loess soil). These forests are vulnerable and rare in the region, therefore, they carry a high nature conservation value.

Author Biography

  • Norbert Riezing, 2851 Környe, Alkotmány u. 43/7.



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How to Cite

Relict forests on the edge of the Hungarian Little Plain. (2012). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 10(2), 371-384.

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