Dissemination of quince in Hungary





quince botany, introduction, quince cultivars, quince growing and cultural history, Yazigians


The fruit cultivars of gene bank collection with awarding the original, perhaps exaggerated expectations, and even romantic conceptions can be observed in the ideological excesses is overheated, results-oriented type of research in the World. Although the impatience of the society is understandable, this impatience is not met by adequate funding. Unilateral or just a scholarly approach to monitoring things very much important links that leave unclear. Find of stochastic relations is also necessary because it can lead to new knowledge and to society, and the nature of science. In this example may be the quince is not a big role in this consumer culture, and the fruit as it could be, and ought to be. The old, poor Santa Claus and Christmas holidays, and the cats were protected cellar hidden corner of the room for a great delicacy, quince cheese. V Pope Pius (1566–1572) commonly referred to as international publications like he was getting eaten and enjoyed the delights of the quince (juice, cheese, compote, jam) passion level. I can not emphasize this, but what we experienced during the quince many years of field work. We toured the country, and the fruit trees – surprisingly (historical and ecological) have also become a source for us, part of a popular cultivar and anthropological archaic respect – through their natural toughness. Biodiversity studies fit into the natural flora and manifold cultural correlate, because it can affect the social and economic role of culture as well. Some of our fruit trees from being just like gardening, but also its historical era phenomenon becomes a specific historical period. Settled here almost 800 years old Yazygian as Ossetians and Kumanian peoples and lifestyles in many respects is still preserved and in accommodation during Asian quince fell into the natural area. Front and Central Asia, parts of this people (Kumanian, Yazygian) and the ongoing effects of the Hungarian cultural flora significantly enriched in the Carpathian Basin.

Author Biography

  • Dezső Surányi, Fruit Research Institute, 2700 Cegléd, POB 33.



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How to Cite

Dissemination of quince in Hungary. (2014). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 12(1), 221-243. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.3709

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