Evaluation of soil conditions in urban green areas based on functional zones


  • Irén Puskás University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics Szeged, Hungary, POB 653, Szeged H-6701
  • Andrea Farsang University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics Szeged, Hungary, POB 653, Szeged H-6701
  • Zoltán Csépe University of Szeged, Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology Szeged, Hungary, POB 653, Szeged H-6701
  • Máté Bartus University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics Szeged, Hungary, POB 653, Szeged H-6701




public soils, urban function, heavy metals, health risk


The topsoil of urban public green areas contains fewer pollutants than topsoil in industrial installations or areas close to roads. However, more significant human health risks can be detected in these green areas due to more exposure pathways (ingestion, dermal contact, inhalation). In the present study composite surface samples (0-5 cm, from 10-15 subsoil samples) were collected from public parks and playgrounds in three Hungarian cities in order to determine effects of human activities on soils and evaluate their buffering capacity. Chemical, physical soil properties influencing metal mobility and pseudo total metal content were measured. Relationships between metal concentrations, soil properties as well as spatial distribution were revealed using optimal cluster selection. 20% of the studied samples exceeded the threshold values allowed in Hungary in at least one, if not more metals. This research helps us understand that with the help qualitative and quantitative evaluation, we can provide spatial patterns of metal contamination and give potential emission sources.

Author Biography

  • Irén Puskás, University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics Szeged, Hungary, POB 653, Szeged H-6701

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Evaluation of soil conditions in urban green areas based on functional zones. (2015). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 13(1), 115-132. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.3665

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