Developing the methodology of HRAMS on MT Sas-hegy


  • Diána Pácsonyi Óbudai Egyetem, Interspect Kutatócsoport,1034 Budapest, Doberdó u. 6.
  • Gábor Bakó Interspect Kft. 2314 Halásztelek, II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 42



nature conservation, high spatial resolution aerial remote sensing, landscape protection, habitat


The High Resolution Aerial Monitoring System (HRAMS) sets up a database based on extremely high-resolution (0,5-5 cm) remote aerial sensing surveys and field studies, therefore reveals the state of representative spots typical to the landscape. It can provide useful information in case of solving problems in fields of environmental protection and natural conservation by linking vegetation, habitat and biodiversity monitoring networks at continent and state levels. Our research discusses the development of the methodology by setting up automatized steps in land cover mapping, which reduce the time required by the process. In this way vegetation mapping becomes more efficient, which enables us to spread the network to larger areas. The limits of the method were also studied, including those land cover categories and associations that cannot be detected properly without field studies. Developments were carried out on the nature reserve of Mt Sas-hegy. In the course of our research, we created its land cover, habitat and vegetation maps, and studied its naturalness.

Author Biographies

  • Diána Pácsonyi, Óbudai Egyetem, Interspect Kutatócsoport,1034 Budapest, Doberdó u. 6.

    corresponding author:

  • Gábor Bakó, Interspect Kft. 2314 Halásztelek, II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 42



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http 1:, megtekintés: 2021.05.13.






How to Cite

Developing the methodology of HRAMS on MT Sas-hegy. (2022). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 20(1), 107-122.

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