Methods and data to describe agricultural landscapes and their cultural values on national level in Germany: confusing coexistence or multilayered complexity?


  • Michael Roth Dortmund University of Technology, School of Spatial Planning, Chair of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning, August-Schmidt-Straße 10, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
  • Dietwald Gruehn Dortmund University of Technology, School of Spatial Planning, Chair of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning, August-Schmidt-Straße 10, 44227 Dortmund, Germany



landscape description, landscape classification, cultural landscapes, digital landscape data, integrative landscape planning


Based on the results of the interdisciplinary, multi-national Eucaland Project and using various landscape definitions to illustrate different mental concepts of (agricultural/cultural) landscapes, this paper shows and compares various descriptive methods for agricultural landscapes and their cultural value using the German case as an example. A broad variety of data used as input for landscape descriptions and resulting from landscape descriptions/classifications ranging from analogue data originating in the first half of the 20th century to up-to-date digital landscape data is analysed. Multiple layers of agricultural landscapes reveal their cultural value. It is demonstrated that the complexity of the subject is not covered by a single method. Finally, the need for an integrative approach to describe agricultural landscapes and their cultural value is discussed against the background of present landscape planning instruments and participatory approaches to landscape management.


  • Michael Roth, Dortmund University of Technology, School of Spatial Planning, Chair of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning, August-Schmidt-Straße 10, 44227 Dortmund, Germany

    corresponding author


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Selected papers from the presentations of the final conference of the EUCALAND Project


Methods and data to describe agricultural landscapes and their cultural values on national level in Germany: confusing coexistence or multilayered complexity?. (2010). TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK | JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY , 8(Suppl.1), 53-66.

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