Study of development regions in Romania

Literature review


  • Orsolya Varga Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences



Romania, regional inequalities, literature synthesis, development regions


This study - as a foundation for doctoral research - deals with the examination of Romania's eight develop-ment regions using the method of literature synthesis. The paper provides a brief situational analysis of the current economic and social situation of the development regions.
Over the past 10 years, several researchers have examined the territorial and regional inequalities of Ro-mania's eight NUTS 2 level development regions, with most studies focusing on the period between 2000 and 2010. Based on the results, it can be stated that many research methods have been applied by the researchers, but the study period is no longer current, which also underscores the relevance of conducting a regional analysis of Romania. It is important to highlight the fact that these territorial and regional inequalities did not arise as a result of Romania's accession to the European Union but are historically determined.
Overall, it can be said that the majority of Romania's development regions will need significant economic de-velopment in the coming years in order to reduce regional inequalities, both at the national and EU levels.

Author Biography

  • Orsolya Varga, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences



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(Eurostat: Európai Unió Statisztikai Hivatala

Román Országos Statisztikai Intézet



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