Analysis of short supply chain and the chance of a new sales system in the Kecskemét micro region




helyi termék, mezőgazdaság, versenyképesség, vidékfejlesztés


While the literature and EU policy emphasize the role of local products and short supply chains, the market opportunities for smaller farmers are increasingly barren due to the price-depressing effect of large multinationals, which can also be seen in local networks. My main goal was to examine how the local market, which is a classic of the short supply chain, can be characterized and whether its operation can be helped by modern solutions. In my primary research, I was looking for the answer to the opinion of the farmers in the area of my choice - the urban producer market in Kecskemét and the district of Kecskemét, about Hungarian products and the sale of Hungarian products in recent years. I asked customers in the urban market about their shopping habits, why they go there, what products they buy, and how they are informed about new products. I asked the local producers in the Kecskemét district with similar questions, only from the sales side. How difficult it is to sell a Hungarian product today, when, in addition to many multinational companies, their competitive disadvantage is significant. I also asked buyers and producers what they would say about a system where not only would buyers receive information about local products, but they could also buy them there.

Author Biography

  • Zsolt Á. Orbán, Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskol



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