Examination of the energy dependency in the mirror of the renewable energy sources and the greenhouse gas emission


  • D. Németh Zsuzsanna Szent István University Doctoral School of Business and Management
  • Székely László Szent István Egyetem Gépészmérnöki Kar Környezetipari Rendszerek Intézet, Matematika Tanszék




megújuló energiaforrások, üvegházhatású gázkibocsátás, energiafüggőség, klaszteranalízis, EU-28


Parallel with the increasing population, the diversity and intensity of human activities caused the growth of energy demand which implied the significant increase of the emission of greenhouse gasses, what is known as the main reason of climate change. In the future the renewable energies’ and the traditional energies’ utilisation is expected to grow. That is why the study considers the connection of the renewable energy sources with the greenhouse gas emission as well as energy dependency, in the period of years 2004 to 2014.

Author Biographies

  • D. Németh Zsuzsanna, Szent István University Doctoral School of Business and Management

    E-mail: d.nemeth.zs@gmail.com

  • Székely László, Szent István Egyetem Gépészmérnöki Kar Környezetipari Rendszerek Intézet, Matematika Tanszék

    egyetemi docens
    E-mail: szekely.laszlo@gek.szie.hu 


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