Application of lean methods in a life of a pharmaceutical company


  • Orsolya Szabó Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Logistics Management



pharmaceutical industry, Lean, value stream, added value, cost reduction


Nowadays the very changeable pharmaceutical trends, the political, economical and global effects, the appearance of new -mainly chinese and indian- competitors and companies established and/or stopped throughout fusions and acquisitions want to get more and more share from the global cake of pharmeceutical industry, in this way securing their stable subsistence. How can be a Hungarian subsidiary attractive for a French multinational company? The answer for the question in our case: with the help of Lean. To meet the very variable customer’s demand we need to find the optimum point of the total value stream. It is very important to eliminating, re-thinking and standardizing all the activities, flow steps and bad habits which not contributing to added value of the product or service from the customer point of view. The reduction of production, logistics and quality conroll costs have a stressed role in the company strategy. To reach these goals we have to decrease the followings: the production lead time, the changeover times, charging the environment, the plant cycle time, the inventories and the number of quality controll tests. Production in pull system, applying the Kanban and supermarket methods can also help to get the point.

The aim of my study – based on my own data collection - is to define the scope of the VSM cycle time sessions, compare and analyse the results of the present and future state of the observed product family from different aspects such as: Will the total plant cycle time decrease by (at least) 30%? Will the ratio of value added activities reach the industrial average of 10%?

Információk a szerzőről

  • Orsolya Szabó, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Logistics Management



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CHINOIN Private Co. Ltd. -a Sanofi company- company brochure, presentations Date of downloading: 16 Oct 2014. Date of downloading: 23 Oct 2014.




Hogyan kell idézni

Szabó, O. (2015). Application of lean methods in a life of a pharmaceutical company. Studia Mundi – Economica, 2(2), 127-135.

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