Issues of trade integration between EU, CIS and Russia: influences of multilateral trade in agricultural commodities


  • Vasily Erokhin Moscow University of Finance and Law, Department of Management and Marketing
  • Anna Ivolga Stavropol State Agrarian University, Department of Tourism and Service
  • Marina Lescheva Stavropol State Agrarian University, Department of Business Analysis and Audit



trade, agricultural commodities, integration, export


Trade with agricultural products in last decades becomes more and more internationalized and globalized. A global trading system is now both freer and fairer than ever before and this will boost global prosperity and can make a significant contribution to the global economic development. Favorable conditions for development of international trade with agricultural products are caused by the trade liberalization, development of trade unions and free trade areas all over the world. The paper includes the overview of the WTO threats and opportunities for the Russian agriculture and trade with agricultural products in CIS and EU. This is also related to state support of agricultural production in Russia and CIS and its influence on volumes, directions, structure and effectiveness of bilateral CIS-EU trade with agricultural products.

Szerző életrajzok

  • Vasily Erokhin, Moscow University of Finance and Law, Department of Management and Marketing

    egyetemi docens

  • Anna Ivolga, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Department of Tourism and Service

    egyetemi docens

  • Marina Lescheva, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Department of Business Analysis and Audit



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Josling T. et al. (2010): Understanding International Trade in Agricultural Products. One Hundred Years of Contributions by Agricultural Economists. Am. J. Agr. Econ. Vol. 92 (2). 424-446. p., ISSN 0002-9092. DOI:

Liapis P. (2011): Changing Patterns of Trade in Processed Agricultural Products. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers. No. 47, 122 p. DOI:

Nilson A. (2011): Commodity Trade between EU-27 and CIS Countries, 2000-2010. Eurostat. Statistics in focus. Vol. 40. Available at: (accessed November 2013)




Hogyan kell idézni

Erokhin, V., Ivolga, A., & Lescheva, M. (2014). Issues of trade integration between EU, CIS and Russia: influences of multilateral trade in agricultural commodities. Studia Mundi – Economica, 1(1), 20-27.

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