Results assessment of sustainable rural development implementation. Case of the Stavropol Region
sustainable rural development, state programme, regional economy, rural areas, agricultural productsAbsztrakt
Sustainable rural development is regarded as one of the main priorities of modern social and economic development on international, national and regional levels. The article presents the research of social and economic spheres within the implementation of Federal Target Programmes of sustainable rural development, based on the example of the Stavropol Region. The major results of the current research are authors’ interpretation of regional sustainable development, overview of the state policy in the field of social and economic rural development and assessment of the results achieved.
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Under editorship of Trukhachev V. (2014): Land Economies of the Stavropol Region: Problems and Development Prospects. Stavropol, AGRUS, 580 p., ISBN 978-5-9596-0976-4.
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