A comparative analysis of the wheat value chains in Hungary & Turkey


  • Nazli Ceylan Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Doctoral School of Regional Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences




Value chain, wheat sector, economic development, cereals


Besides being a crucial component of human nutrition, wheat has been one of the strategic commodities in the world economy since ancient times. Self-sufficiency in staple food production considered being an advantage for a country, thus many countries try to improve crop production technologies as well as whole supply chains to achieve sustainability. The wheat sector became more competitive with globalization and increased number of bilateral free trade agreements. Therefore, it is crucial to create an efficient wheat supply chain to achieve strong competitive power in international markets. Regarding wheat production, Hungary and Turkey ensure food security although they have different market structure and conditions. This study aims to investigate and provide a snapshot of how wheat sectors in Hungary and Turkey, focusing on basic stages of the wheat value chain such as production, processing, logistics and sales. The study mainly depends on statistical data with analysing them on the country level. The subject field is looking to investigate the main trends of the wheat market in Hungary and Turkey, also takes a glance of existing policies and how the government’s role in the wheat market differs.


Információk a szerzőről

  • Nazli Ceylan, Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Doctoral School of Regional Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

    PhD student
    E-mail: nceylan82@yahoo.com 


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Hogyan kell idézni

Ceylan, N. (2019). A comparative analysis of the wheat value chains in Hungary & Turkey. Studia Mundi – Economica, 6(3), 68-81. https://doi.org/10.18531/Studia.Mundi.2019.06.03.68-81

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