Employment conditions of the EU
Unemployment, Youth unemployment, Human resource management, Foreign Direct InvestmentAbsztrakt
The case-study analyses the main economic conditions of the EU from points of view of emphasizing the employment, human resource management at EU-27 level. The different unemployment levels of EU member states stimulated the increasing gap between member states in GDP per capita, which was from 44% to 271% of the EU-27 average at the beginning of 2011. The unemployment rate of EU-27 increased from 6,7% in 2000 to 8,8% in 2010 based on the internal market conditions and influences of the world economic crisis after 2008. The human resource management has several problems in EU-27, for example the highly level of unemployment, less skilled level of employees, the unemployment rate is very highly in almost the entire EU even in case of youth under 25 year between 21,0-22,3% in 2010-2011.
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