Motivation key to company effectiveness in learning organisations
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivators, autotelic activity, emotional intelligence, clarifying needsAbsztrakt
The aim of this study is to show the importance of building up effective motivation systems in organisations by clearly defining the substantive organisational and individual needs and by implementing high-level harmonisation between them. At the beginning of the 21st century, the most important features of the global market environment are the complexity, the instability, and the uncertainty. In such a business environment, the quick understanding of the changes and the ability of giving rapid and professional strategic answers to them become a key element in forming the efficiency of any business organisations. Such a company flexibility must be based on conscious human resource management activity founded on the attentive application of knowledge management tools so that it can effectively exploit the opportunities offered by the high-level cognition of emotional intelligence.
One of the key elements of such a competent HR management work is to build up a company motivation system that serves the goals of both the company and the employees perfectly. This paper introduces the results of an extensive questionnaire survey aiming to collect reliable and comprehensive information about real intrinsic motivations of people so that a higher level of harmonisation between companies and their employees’ needs can be implemented by building up better organisational motivation systems.
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