Changing paradigms in Human Resource Management




Sustainable Human Resource Management, Technological Evolution in HRM, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives


This paper explores the changing paradigms in Human Resource Management (HRM) and current trends within the context of South Africa. The evolution of HRM globally is discussed, emphasizing the shift from administrative tasks to a strategic partnership approach. Sustainable HRM, integrating environmental, social, and economic considerations, is also examined as a central paradigm, exemplified by case studies of organizations like Anglo American and Nedbank in South Africa. The paper also goes into the impact of technological advancements on HRM, emphasizing the adoption of HR technologies and big data analytics in South African organizations. Additionally, diversity and inclusion initiatives are discussed in the context of South Africa's historical context, with case studies from Woolworths and Eskom. The importance of understanding HRM paradigms in South Africa is highlighted, considering the connection with global trends and the country's challenges. The synthesis of global trends and local realities in South African HRM sets the stage for continued research and emphasizes the importance of adaptability and innovation.

Szerző életrajzok

  • Mzuchumile Makalima, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem


  • Rudnák Ildikó, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem

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