The recognition of resource use through industrial development from a social perspective


  • Bálint Horváth Szent István University, Climate Change Economics Research Centre



self-sufficiency, resource management, industrial revolution


Rural population is vulnerable partly for its lack of self-sufficiency. This recognition considerably varies from the way rural territories functioned more than 200 years ago. The peasant societies were well known about sustaining themselves. A major trigger for the disappearance of this pattern was industrialization. This paper explicitly reviews a social perspective of industrialism and provides a novel point of view regarding its overall recognition. The present study states that there was an incremental effect of relying on machines. People have lost their sense of practical skills. Another hidden pattern of development was to utilize finite resources. The reason behind it might come from the fact that this way allows companies to distribute energy according to their own terms. As a conclusion, the paper argues that centralized (energy and industrial) production systems have increased the dependence of society – especially in case of rural population. Furthermore, it claims that the next stage of industrial revolution could enable people to return to self-sufficiency.

Információk a szerzőről

  • Bálint Horváth, Szent István University, Climate Change Economics Research Centre

    Phd student


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