Adatok néhány mediterrán díszcserje jelentősebb kártevőihez


  • Martin Födelmesi Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Keszthely, 8360 Deák F. u. 16.
  • Éva Horváthné Baracsi Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Keszthely, 8360 Deák F. u. 16.
  • Balázs Keresztes Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Keszthely, 8360 Deák F. u. 16.


Mediterranean evergreen ornamental shrubs, pests


Arthropod species at two different sampling sites (Keszthely, Cserszegtomaj), for two years (2016, 2017), have been collected with beating method from the canopy of five different Mediterranean evergreen shrubs (Ligustrum sinense, Phillyrea angustifolia, Elaeagnus pungens, Prunus lusitanica, Photinia x fraseri).

Our aim was to identify the arthropod species, which has already chosen these shrubs as food plants and became their pests in Hungary and in addition, we were curious to know the species spectrum of beneficial arthropods as well. In the present study, only the most significant, most common pests were presented. In the case of shrubs (Ligustrum sinense, Phyllirea angustifolia), belonging to the Oleaceae family, the thrips Dendrothrips ornatus may be considered potential pest. From among Planthoppers (Auchenorrhyncha), a large number of Fieberiella florii (Cicadellidae) and Metcalfa pruinosa (Flatidae) were present. Among the spring pests, the Phyllobius weevil species caused significant damage primarily on shrubs (Prunus lusitanica, Photinia x fraseri) belonging to the Rosaceae family. From among Phyllobius species the Phyllobius betulinus was dominant, but a large number of P. maculicornis and P. oblongus were also present. The Dodecastichus (= Otiorhynchus) mastix weevil occurred in high numbers mostly on shrubs belonging to the Oleaceae family and on Prunus lusitanica (Rosaceae).

Author Biography

  • Martin Födelmesi, Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Keszthely, 8360 Deák F. u. 16.

    corresponding author 


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How to Cite

Födelmesi, M., Horváthné Baracsi, Éva, & Keresztes, B. (2019). Adatok néhány mediterrán díszcserje jelentősebb kártevőihez . GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 23(1), 41-53.

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