Examination of the decomposition of willow, poplar and mixed leaf litter with litterbag technique



decomposition, willow, poplar, litterbag, class ,,A” evaporation pan


Leaf litter decomposition is one of the most important ecological material cycle processes. For saprophytic water organisms, allochtonous plant parts (especially leaves) represent the main source of energy and nutrients. As a consequence of their shredding activity, the organic nutrients of detritus can return into soil, and can be uptaken by plants again. In our study, decomposition rates of willow (Salix sp.), poplar (Populus sp.) and mixed leaf litter were monitorized, with litterbag method in a class ,,A” evaporation pan. Litterbags were used with two different mesh sizes. With the 500 μm mesh-sized bag we were able to examine decomposition with the exclusion of macroinvertebrates, and with the 3 mm mesh-sized bag we got information in the presence of them. The study took place between 15. June 2019. and 24. October 2019. Based on our results, we did not notice any remarkable differences between the decomposition of willow, poplar and mixed leaf litter. All of them fell into ,,medium” decomposition category. Furthermore, we did not measure notable differences between the two different devices. During each and every sampling, water samples were also taken, and their pH, conductivity, NH4+, PO43-, SO42- and Cl--ion content were determined. There weren’t any considerable changes in the quality of water, during the experimental period. The main aim of the study was to examine the process of decomposition and the changes of water parameters, furthermore, to compare the evaporation of the modified experimental pan (sediment, decomposing leaf litter), with the standard class ,,A” evaporation pan’s (control pan). From that, it was able to determine the effect of decomposing leaf litter on evaporation. From the results of this experiment, we found that, the presence of sludge, and decomposing leaf litter, placed in the modified pan, increased the rate of evaporation in 2019.


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How to Cite

Tóth, A., Simon, B., Anda, A., & Kucserka, T. (2020). Examination of the decomposition of willow, poplar and mixed leaf litter with litterbag technique. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 24(4), 36-54. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/6217

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