Flower preference of Brachycera species in a dry grassland with a Pulsatilla grandis population


  • Tünde Mészáros Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Georgikon Campus, e-mail: meszarost773@gmail.com (correspondence)
  • Sándor Tóth


Bombyliidae, female, fly, male, precipitation


The aim of our study was to investigate the importance of P. grandis flowers for Brachycera communities. We also studied the attractiveness of other plant species flowering together with P. grandis. We aimed to measure the effect of temperature and precipitation on the number of Diptera visitors of Pulsatilla grandis in two consecutive years, so we compared the data of the present study with our former results. 135 individuals were collected, 46% of them were female and 54% male. The highest number of Brachycera individuals occurred on Potentilla arenaria. The ratio of males and females was various. 91% of the collected individuals represented the Bombyliidae family, rest of the individuals were member of Tachinidae (6%), Syrphidae (2%) and Calliphoridae (1%) families. Mean precipitation values and mean daily temperature correlate with the number of flies of Pulsatilla grandis flowers.


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How to Cite

Mészáros, T., & Tóth, S. (2021). Flower preference of Brachycera species in a dry grassland with a Pulsatilla grandis population. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 25(1), 18-28. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/6177

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