Megmentheti-e a törzsinjektálás a háztáji diótermést?
Juglans regia, trunk injection, walnut husk fly, abamectin residueAbstract
The walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis completa) has become the main pest of walnut in Hungary as well. The damage of this species is particularly significant due to the volume of walnut cultivation (~ 6400 ha) and its large traditions to planting in backyards. In the course of this work, the insecticidal (larvicidal) effect of the active ingredient abamectin by trunk injection has been evaluated, while the concentration of the active ingredient in various plant organs was also determined. In all three years of the study, the trunk injection with abamectin reduced the extent of damage compared to controls. The amount of active ingredient injected into the trunk of trees was positively correlated with the larvicidal effect. The injection also had a secondyear insecticidal effect, but in all cases, it was less effective than in the year of the injection and never kept the damage below the economic threshold. HPLC-MS / MS a validated analytical measure showed that the concentration of the active ingredient in the leaf, husk and kernel decreased over time. The highest concentration of abamectin was detected in the leaf, while its amount was much lower in the husk. In the measurements, neither fresh nor dried walnut kernels contained more than the permitted amount of pesticide residue (0.02 mg/kg). In order for the technology to be applicable in practice, it is necessary to know the effects of several parameters, e.g. the dose adjusted to the size of the canopy and the time of the treatment.
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