Effects of temperature and precipitation on Diptera species, and flower preference of Diptera species in an Adonis vernalis population
Bombyliidae, flower visitor, fly, Lamium purpureumAbstract
One aim of our study was to examine the effects of temperature and precipitation on Diptera visitors of Adonis vernalis. Another aim was to describe flower preference of Diptera species. Adonis vernalis visitors were studied between 3–13 April 2020 in the slope steppe of the Csatár Hill near Veszprém city. Diptera individuals found on every flowering plant species were collected. Data of Adonis vernalis visitors was compared to our results from the previous year. Meteorological data was shared by the Hungarian Meteorological Service. The number of Diptera visitors of A. vernalis decreased significantly in the second year. Our results show that compared to temperature precipitation has stronger effect on the flower visiting activity of Diptera taxa. Six plant species were flowering on the study area, but flies were collected only on Adonis vernalis and Lamium purpureum. The total number of collected flies was 19 representing 5 species. Lamium purpureum was visited only by Bombyliidae species. The number of male flower visitors was higher on both plant species. Although none of the collected fly species was flower specific, we still found differences in their flower preference. Fly species are not primarily mentioned as pollinators and pollination studies mainly focus on bees, it would be important to carry out further studies on the role of Diptera species in pollination.
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