Comparising of Harmful Emissions which Producing at Burning of Firepellets
biomass, firepellet, sunflower peel, exhaust gas, emissionAbstract
In present economic and political state it plays an increasing role the question of our country’s energy source’s dependence from other countries. In our country the utiliziation of biomass producing heat energy give a good chance to increase the energy self-dependence. Utilization of firing squeezes from several biomass raw materials has some advantages. At Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Technology it was buying a household size pellet furnaces and a multifunction electronic exhaust gas analyser. The furnace works for the local heating system, but basic function is utilisation for researching and education aims. We have compared 5 different quality fire pellets’ emissions and quantity of ash, as well as heating value in our pellet furnace during burning. We have analysed that during burning in furnace which product is loaded the environment more or less. Amog the most important market aspect concern wet and ash content and heating value. On this field were better the wood pellets, the agropellets show the lower market prices. Summary the results showed that wood pellets load the environment less, like measured agropellets.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Botond András Cseke, Béla Pályi, Miklós Lönhárd, Attila Szilágyi, András Enyingi

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