Ökológiai növényvédelem kihívásai a nanotechnológiával készült Bisteppel szőlő- és gyümölcskultúrában
ecological plant protection, nanopreparation, grape, apple-bearingAbstract
In the course of our work, we examined the effect of the Bistep plant conditioning nanopreparation in the ecological plant protection technology of grape and fruit cultures. The biologically pure preparation is made with nano technology. During the treatments, the areas treated with integrated plant protection technology were transformed into ecological plantations. The biggest plant protection challenge in ecological control was the control of Erwinia amylovora in apple orchards, Erysiphe necator and Guignardia bidwellii (Ellis) Viala & Ravaz in grapes, which has been infecting several wine regions of our country in recent years. Based on our results, the average yield showed an average increase of 20-40% in the first year when using the Bistep technology. We experienced a definite improvement in the health of the gardens, and we were able to harvest food-quality produce from the treated areas. Based on our observations, we summarized the practical experience of the last 10 years regarding the quality and quantity of the crop.
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