Weight gain of progenies of Hungarian and import German Mutton Merino rams
german mutton merino, breeding value, sex, weight gain, hereditabilityAbstract
Weight gain performance of 323 purebred progenies from 16 German Mutton Merino rams was evaluated by using Harvey’s LSML, sire model. Assessed parameters were: initial weight, fattening weight, average final weight, average total lifetime weight gain (g/day) during the suckling and the fattening period.
Calculated hereditary values were higher than in other publications. Heritability of initial weight gain, fattening weight, fattening weight during the rearing and during the fattening period was as follows: 0.73; 0.74; 0.72 and 0.66. These results can be explained by the individuals examined in father’s half-sib groups. Ewes were produced – in a given environment - in one of the best breeding domestic German mutton merino farm. The suckling and the feeding of the examined lambs were executed among standard conditions during the examined period.
The results have been effected by sexes, initial weight and rams. Significant differences (P < 0.05) can be found among the breeding values of different rams. The fattening performance of the progenies from domestic and import rams was not significantly different.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Polgár J. Péter, Rádli András, Eszterhai Csaba, Bene Szabolcs

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